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Winner: CHPC User Satisfaction Survey

Miss Olayide Adebimpe Arodola, a UKZN masters graduate in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, was selected in a lucky draw, the winner of the CHPC User Satisfaction Survey. She has won a tribal chess set and a travelling laptop bag. Olayide has a Masters Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, specialising in molecular modelling and drug design research. She was involved in two of her own projects, which were successfully completed in 2013. In her masters, Olayide excelled exceptionally, she has one publication in a highly ranked peer-reviewed journal and a second one awaiting reviewer’s comment.

Her publication and MSc dissertation are as follows:

  1. Arodola, O.A., Radha Charan, D., and Mahmoud, E.S.S. (2014) QSAR study on diketo acid and carboxamide derivatives as potent HIV-1 integrase inhibitor, Letter of Drug Design and Discovery, 11, 618-627.
  2. Arodola O.A., Molecular Modeling Studies on HIV-1 Inhibitors and their potential use as Anticancer agents, M.Sc dissertation, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2014.

Her dissertation is not yet published. 

Congratulations Olayide!

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