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Cape Town

CSIR Campus,
15 Lower Hope Street,
Rosebank, Cape Town,
South Africa


Phone: +27 (0)21 658-2740
Fax: +27 (0)21 658-2744


Email: info ₐₜ chpc ‧ ac ‧ za


1. From the airport, travel along the N2 towards Cape Town.
2. From Cape Town, travel along the N2 towards the airport.
3. Take the Liesbeeck Parkway turnoff.
4. Travel towards Rondebosch (left if traveling from the airport, right if traveling from Cape Town.)
5. Turn right into Alma Road.
6. At the T-junction facing the railway line, turn left.
7. Turn left into Lower Hope Road (second road to the left).

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