Bioinformatics and Computational Chemistry Applications
Principal Investigator: Dr Vuyani Moses
Institution: Rhodes University
Domain: Bioinformatics
Our research group is based in Grahamstown which is associated with the Rhodes University Research Unit in Bioinformatics (RUBi). Our interests are using computational techniques to solve biological problems such as drug discovery and biofuel production. The work is of outmost importance as it allows for the understating of these biological programs providing solutions such is the design of new drugs for a wide variety of diseases. We are also interested in using the cluster for understanding enzymatic reactions that are crucial for biofuel production. Access to the CHPC allows us to be able to perform these calculations as it would be difficult to perform these calculations without access to the resources provided at the CHPC. Data generated at the CHPC is crucial for the production publications and thesis which allows us to graduate numerous MSc and PhD students. The research is currently growing each year and this is largely due to the access we have to the CHPC.