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Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on S&T visits CHPC

The Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology (PPCST) visited the Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) in Rosebank, Cape Town on 12 August 2015 where they gained insights on the centre’s operations, challenges and future plans.

CHPC Director, Dr Happy Sithole offered a presentation of the centre’s structure, key operations and high level projects to the 10 committee members, who were especially interested in the centre’s interactions with South African commercial industry; its involvement in the Square Kilometre Array project and the centre’s network connectivity to South African universities, research councils and to the world at large.

The PPCST was accompanied by a high-level delegation from the Department of Science and Technology and the CSIR. The committee plans to visit other science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) entities in the country in an effort to acquire a broad understanding of the South African STEM landscape.

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